Stop Teaching Calculating, Start Learning Maths! - Conrad Wolfram
'Stop teaching calculating, start learning maths' - Conrad Wolfram on how re-conceptualized maths in education can step up to real-world needs. The importance of maths to jobs, society and thinking has exploded over the last few decades. Meanwhile, maths education fails to match-up. Why has this chasm opened up? Computers are central: when they do the calculating, people work on harder questions, try more concepts, and play with a multitude of new ideas. Conrad Wolfram explained why this fundamental shift is needed in education, and described the major project he's founded to build a dramatically new, problem-centric, computer-based maths curriculum. He asked which country could adopt a computer-based approach first, and leapfrog others in STEM. MORE about Conrad Wolfram: SUBSCRIBE to get more videos from WISE: World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) is an international, multi-sectoral and action-oriented platform for innovation in education that connects innovators, nurtures new ideas, and recognizes and supports successful initiatives that are helping revitalize education. For more information about WISE: Follow WISE on Twitter: Like WISE on Facebook: